What is Courtesy Registration?

In order to ensure that students always have the classes they need, and that they graduate on time with a body of work and experiences that prepares them for successful industry careers, California College of ASU utilizes courtesy registration to sign students up for classes each semester. 

Courtesy registration is an automated registration process that provides all continuing students guaranteed space each semester in the classes they need next. The courtesy registration process takes into account each student’s specific degree progress, upholding each program’s industry-aligned trajectory, circumventing prerequisite obstacles, and providing curricular balance between core and GE classes. Students still exercise autonomy to choose the days/times/modalities (online, live remote, or on ground) of their classes, in addition to making their own selections for electives, as space and course offerings permit.

What are the benefits of Courtesy Registration?

Reduced Stress during Registration

California College of ASU is a community of storytellers. Our students will go on to write, film, light, design, edit, animate, produce, direct and star in a wide range of productions. Put simply, we don’t want our student artists stressed out. Instead, we want to liberate our student artists  to focus their energy on their classes, their skills, their craft, and the many amazing internship and industry opportunities that will catapult them into successful careers. Our registration process helps center our commitment to student-faculty engagement, and our careful attention to curricular design that effectively prepares students for successful work in the entertainment field. 

Creative students are innovators, and so the institutions that support creative students must be innovators as well. Long gone are the archaic days when students would have to wake up in the wee hours of the morning to jostle for limited spots in coveted classes. Here, we provide each of our student creatives guaranteed space in the classes they need every semester. It means student scheduling needs are seamlessly interwoven into their programs, placing administrative considerations for scheduling exactly where they should be -  behind the scenes.

Provides Clarity on Requirements

Courtesy registration provides strong clarity on degree requirements, with a clear and well-defined path to graduation for students in every program. Our color-coded program sequence guides, coupled with 24-7 access to semester-by-semester degree audits on the student portal make it easy for students to stay informed of their degree progress, giving students more time to fully immerse themselves in their artistic skills.

Strong Final Portfolios

It takes time to hone and develop the technical skills and competitive artistic portfolios required for the entertainment industry. The program sequence of classes was designed by a dynamic combination of faculty and working industry professionals. The sequence helps students grow and develop their storytelling skills over the full duration of their time here, responsibly allocating their core and specialized upper-level emphasis classes, creating balance, meaningful opportunities for growth, and most importantly, maximizing the time our student artists have to create powerful final projects as they launch themselves into their respective roles in the industry.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does courtesy registration take away student autonomy?

No, as it is still each student's responsibility to review, and if needed, adjust their schedules each semester. Students exercise independence as they consult the course offerings, find applicable alternative sections to adjust the days, times, instructors and modalities (online, live remote, or on ground) of their classes, and effectively select their elective courses. Even with courtesy registration, students will still utilize campus resources, faculty insight and academic advising to plan and prepare their schedules each semester.

Does courtesy registration support students who work?

Yes. At California College of ASU, students represent a diverse array of individuals, and our student population includes both current and future working industry professionals. Many of our students maintain both jobs and sometimes internships while attending college to help them cover living and school expenses, and give them exposure to industry work.

Students receive  their courtesy registration schedules at least one month in advance of the start of classes. This means that each semester during registration, students have 21 days or more to review their schedules, make applicable changes, and if necessary, contact their employers to accommodate their commitment to higher education.

Why can’t the student decide which class is added or dropped on their schedule?

During registration, students can make three types of changes to the schedules provided to them during courtesy registration. They can:

(1) request a different day/time or modality (online, live remote, or on ground) of any classes with multiple sections offered, 

(2) select the course for any electives on their schedules, and 

(3) adjust the number of credits they will take. 

Because the add/drop credits form is open during registration, course enrollment is changing daily. Students who request to adjust their number of courses are placed on a different sequence (one based on two, three, or four classes per semester), and that determines the new classes. With additions or subtractions to the number of credits a student takes, our registration system adjusts students based on their new sequence, takes degree progress and necessary prerequisites into consideration, and also prevents students from dropping a class that may not be offered in the next semester, or from adding a class that is low-enrolled, and may be cancelled.

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