Where can I find information that will help me with my film project?

There is a Google folder, found here, containing everything you could possibly need to complete your project. You'll also find a production checklist for quick reference! Make sure you're signed into your college Gmail account, and out of any personal accounts, in order to access Production documents.

How do I know if I need a permit? 

There are very few instances in which you will not need a permit for filming. You can review permit instructions on the production checklist or reach out to Adam Hall, our Associate Chair of Production, if you have specific questions at .

Can I film on campus? 

Yes, but you will need to submit a formal request before filming. Make sure to know when you plan on filming, if you'll need equipment, and roughly how many people will be on set before submitting your request.

Don't wait until the last minute to submit your request! The production process takes time, and you want to make sure you can focus on the quality of your film without worrying about scrambling for approvals.

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